Holidays are over and we are ready to begin again! Our next stop is Hong Kong, with Asia Fruit Logistica 2017, from the 6th to the 8th of September. It is the best opportunity to discover new trends of Asian market. Are you curious to know what innovations Forigo will bring to the event? You will find all the details in this article.


Asia Fruit Logistica is the most important event on the Asian Continent dedicated to fruit and vegetables cultivation. This occasion brings together expositors from all over the world. It is an unmissable appointment where people can gain a clear overview of the Asian fruit and vegetable market’s new proposals and meet new business partners.

As the statistics show, almost all visitors of this event come back home satisfied and richer of new knowledge and contacts.


From the 6th to the 8th of September, Hong Kong is the right place to be if you want to expand your presence in the Asian market and gain new knowledge to improve the production of fruit and vegetables.

To find out more information about Asia Fruit Logistica 2017, here you can  find the official brochure!

In this international context, we from Forigo will be there to show our innovative machines. Specifically, we will propose solutions aimed to ensure better crop results and to save money and time during the lavoration process.

AsiaFruitLogistica_1.jpgThanks to our continuous research in technology and mechanical engineering, we can provide solutions for the soil preparation which guarantee better quality crop, in an easier way in respect to standard methods.
For example, our stone burier, fitting a counter- rotating rotor and a rear selector rake, guarantees a good shuffling of the soil, burying stones, grass, trash and at the same time, a good soil refinement level.

AsiaFruitLogistica_2.jpgIn Forigo we adopt specific and innovative mechanical solutions, in order to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the mechanical stress for the tractor and the machine, resulting in a drop of the production costs. The materials used to build our machines are also very durable, and, combined with an easy assembly of the machine, guarantee a drop of the maintenance costs as well.
For example, our power harrow series: very easy assembly, special tines mounting thanks to built-in tine holding screws, less material wearing, less obstruction by the soil and consequently less power absorption for the tractor.

AsiaFruitLogistica_3.jpgOur machines can be customizable accordingly to the customer’s needs and providing him full support, before and after the product purchase. In this way, a machine can be combined with different equipment in order to do various types of jobs in just one pass, consequently saving fuel and time.
For example, any Forigo machine can be fitted with various accessories; seeders, bed formers, any type of rollers, film stretcher, drip irrigation system and many others. These accessories can be combined all together as well!  

The Forigo team is waiting for you in Hong Kong, the 6-7-8 September, to give you the opportunity to touch with your hand our special machines and to discover the news of Asian market together!

If you want to find out more information about Asia Fruit Logistica 2017, you can read the official brochure.

Agrotti Michele

Written by Agrotti Michele

Graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the University of Padua, in Forigo Roteritalia he is involved in training and consulting for Italy and foreign Countries.

Forigo ® Roteritalia srl
Via Brennero Nord, 9
456035 Ostigila
Mantova - Italy


+39 0386 32691
+39 0386 31250

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