The Forigo evolution
The Roter Italia Company begins its business journey in 1972, when the Forigo brothers gave birth to their first power arrow inside the small factory of Salizzole, in the province of Verona. Afterwards the headquarters was moved to Ostiglia (Mantua) in a wider area (25.000 sq.m.); the headquarters is currently there.
The name Roter Italia comes exactly from that power arrow: Roter stands for “revolve” and it is connected to the revolution of these tools during their soil crumbling performance; Italia defines where the Forigo machines are produced. The entire Roter Italia production is settled in Italy and it’s distributed by the brand FORIGO. The production is split into two lines:
Classic line concerning the agricultural sector: power arrow, rotary tillers, shredders, leaf toppers
Special line concerning the horticoltural sector, gardening and specialty crops: stone burier, bed former, polyformer, ridger, mulching machines and sterilizers for the application liquid or solid fumigants products into the soil